I have been struggling to decide what to do about this blog and I came to me that this blog is finished for now. The essence of this blog was to document our travels to our new lives in New Zealand and it occurred to me that I have arrived now. I really feel that I’m here and even though I can not say I’m settled, I feel my body, heart and mind are here now and that I have new things to write about so that will be a different blog maybe and this one can be archived.
Our journey here has been really amazing, I feel so privileged to have had this experience in my life and for those of you that read this, thank you so much for being on this journey with me.
Our travels have not ended by any means, we still travel around in Jacky when we can. We visited the Hot water beach and Cathedral Cove in Coromandel a couple of weeks ago. Such a stunning place. The hot water beach has thermals under the sand and at low tide, you did into the sand and very hot water pours out. We went in the night time and it was beautiful to lay in the water heated by the fire of the earth and look up at the stars.

There is still so much to explore and see, I really look forward to seeing more of the country, meeting more of her people and immersing in the culture. Life really is a beach here. Much love to all.